States and Districts are encouraged to hold a LEADS program to identify and develop strong potential leaders prepared to assume club, District, and State leadership positions. By implementing a well-designed LEADS event, the leadership experience gap will be addressed, and the talent and enthusiasm of a trained, confident group of volunteers will be more effectively used. The individual members, as well as our organization and communities, will benefit. State leadership can determine when the state or District LEADS program is best conducted. A new resource section has been added to the Leadership Toolkit for use in creating half- and full-day LEADS events using materials available in the toolkit.
Members of the 2024-2026 GFWC Leadership Committee are experienced and have diverse and comprehensive backgrounds. We are dedicated to GFWC and look forward to developing strong leaders through our partnership. The vision we cast as leaders while engaging our members will ensure an even greater impact by our GFWC clubs. Each GFWC Region has a representative on the Leadership Committee. Please reach out to these talented leaders for their assistance and guidance.